I can't believe the week is over and a new one has begun! We have definitely been kept busy around here, or so it has seemed! Tuesday we went to the new Kangaroo Zoo up in N. Salt Lake. We met Nana (my mom) as well as 2 of my sister in laws and all the kiddos. I had my camera with me, but I was useless...I only took like 4 pictures...I was too lazy to follow the kids around. Angie, on the other hand, took my moms camera and got a bunch of pictures, so I guess I figured I would copy those from her! We got a picture with Nana and all the kids, but that's on her camera, so here is Nana and all the girls. Jenica, Paige, Kaitlyn, and Molly! Kaitlyn is so taken by little Molly...I hope I have to wording right (correct me if I'm wrong, Ang) but she went up to Angie and said "I think your baby is so cute. I want to pet its head!"

They had a great time! We got there at 2pm and ended up staying until 8!! Jenica went home with Paige and slept over at their house. Kaitlyn and I went and picked up dinner and took it to Josh's work (since we were so far North) and ate there with him and then we all came home in Josh's car. We went back up with him late Wednesday morning so that I could go pick up Jenica from my brothers place. (That's why we only brought one car home, to save gas since I had to go back downtown again). Anyways, I ended up picking up Cafe Rio for me and my sil Haley and we ate outside while the kids played in their pool. Then she offered to watch the girls and I ran up to the outlets in Park City to see if there were any good deals. I was just sooo excited to get away without the kids! It was heavenly! :) I don't think I got home that day until after 7.
Thursday the girls and I went to University Mall to check out Childrens Place and I had a $25 gift card to the Disney Store. I'm excited they finally have one in Utah again! After we were done down there we met up with Tamara for lunch and then came home and Tamara was wonderful and came and did my dishes and cleaned the top of my stove! Thanks Tamara! :)
Anyways, fast forward to Saturday...the big day!! We met in Bountiful and then all headed up to the Dinosaur park in Ogden! My girls have looked forward to this day since we went last summer!! This year my mom made t-shirts and hats for each of the kids! I designed the shirts with a cute dino and stamped looking name. My mom printed them and ironed them onto the shirts and hats. The kids loved them! Check out all the grandkids! Crazy to think in not too long there will be 2 more to add to the group!

Looking at the picture, the kids did a pretty good job of lining themselves up by age, minus Molly, obviously. This wasn't on purpose...just something I noticed, but I think the 2 little boys on the end need to switch places, they are both 3...I think Miller was born a week or so before Toby. Other than that though...

Here are the kids outside with the giant t-rex! And next is Papa with Kaitlyn and Molly. I think I have figured out why she loves Molly so much! She's the first younger girl cousin she has had on either side of the family!
I have a million other pictures from the park, but I didn't feel like posting a lot right now!! The park was a lot of fun, but it was really hot! We walked around for a bit, let the kids dig for bones in the sand, had a big picnic lunch, and then the kids played in the sand on the playground for awhile before we headed back to my parents.
Josh and my brother Willy love airplanes, and really wanted to stop at the Hill Aero Space Museum on the way home. So they took our van with the girls, Willy's 2 older boys, and my nephew Parker and stopped on the way home. The girls ended up loving it! I'm glad I sent the camera with him!!
There weren't a lot of pictures of the kids, more of "cool" airplanes, but I thought these were cute! Josh told me that the girls were really excited to find a chair to sit in from an airplane. Then he said Kaitlyn hopped up and showed him where your arms go to buckle up! Jeni doesn't look to comfy!

I took a nap when we got back to my parents, the kids swam in her little pool, and then my dad went and got a bunch of papa murphys pizza and we ate! It was a great day!
I didn't mean for this to be a novel...sorry...I needed to get this all posted because hopefully tomorrow I will have some new ultrasound pictures I can post! I think I'm more nervous for this ultrasound than the first one (maybe because now I have 2 babies to worry about). My appt is at 10:30, so maybe I should get to bed!! I'll be back tomorrow, and I will make sure to have a new belly shot!