Baby A is on my left side...head down, way down low, right on my bladder. He measured 1 lb 15 oz. Which put me a few days ahead. Couldn't get a profile shot of him because of how he's in there, but here is a frontal shot, you can kinda see his face in there.
Baby B is on my right side...He is head up, waaaay up high in my ribs. His back was pushing out my right side, which explains the hard mass I constantly feel bulging out my side. He measured 2 lbs even. Check out his cute profile we got!
So I am trying not to worry about the cord thing, but it's me...I worry about everything! I'm sure everything will be fine! He doesn't want me back for another 4 weeks and he said they won't do another ultrasound until the appt after that. So that makes me think things really are ok, otherwise he would see me sooner. Right?
I am exhausted! We just got back from Wingers, dinner with Willy and Angie and family. Not sure if we will see them all again before they fly out Friday, that made me sad. It was good to get in another visit before they move!
You look fantastic! I'm sure your little beans are doing just fine. You're right, if they weren't, you'd be going to the doc a lot sooner and a lot more often. Keep up the great work! Baby growing is tough work.
You look beautiful!!!!!! Glad to hear you are doing good. I am a worrier too but I thinkyou are right about not needing to see you for 4 weeks must mean it is not that big of a deal!!
That profile shot is absolutely adorable! See ya later!
Oh the memories! I personally think you are looking great! But yes, much, much more growing to do! :) And I'm sure the cute little dudes are just fine...they really are cautious there from what I found, so I'm sure they would definatley do more tests if they were worried! How fun, enjoy this time! It will go by sooo fast!
Super cute baby shots! And you look fantastic!!! I'm sure everything is going well with the little dudes, but I am a worrier, too, so I would be thinking all the same things....but I'm sure (like everyone else has said) that they would be seeing you asap if there was something wrong! Try to think happy thoughts!! You're doing a great job! I can't wait to see how adorable they are in a few short months!
my placenta's fused during my pregnancy which is why emma is so much bigger than makenzie and why emma was a white goopy girl and makenzie was a little red beat when they were born. they are healthy though and i am sure that your boys are too. hang in there!!!
You look soooo cute. I love pregnant bellies and yours really isn't that big! After your babies are here you need to start working out with me again, that was fun!!
SO fun to follow your TWIN pregnancy!
Have you thought of names???
Nice belly! This is Natalie Bates...Olsen. I hope your remember me. If not, then this is a tad embarrassing! I've come across a link to your blog from several other blogs. Sometimes I snoop around, I hope you don't mind! Congratulations on your twins! I'm jealous! I've always wanted twins!
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