Friday, February 20, 2009

On the mend

The last few days have been kinda hard. Long, boring, scarey, emotional, I have experienced a little of it all. Today they are doing so much better! We are looking to come home tomorrow (Saturday) but we won't know for sure until the morning when the pediatrician comes and sees them. She was pretty confident they would be ready to go with some oxygen. So that would be wonderful!

Today my mom came down again (she has been here everyday, it has been wonderful). I was able to leave her with the bubbas and go home and feel human for a little bit. I picked Jeni up from school and went and got Kaitlyn from Josh's parents (they have been watching the girls the past few days for us). I went home and the girls packed while I took a shower. When we first got home I saw Jenica in the boys room with her chin rested on their dresser. I went in to see what she was doing. She was looking at the framed pics of the bubbas, and her eyes were all welled up with tears. It was so sad. It made me cry. I have missed my girls so much!! And they obviously have missed the babies! I brought the girls up to the hospital to see the bubbys and then my mom took the girls home with her for the rest of the weekend!!

Some of the (medical) highlights from today include:
*Julian being downgraded to the bulb suction instead of the deep suctioning (HUGE STEP)
*Julian was taken off of oxygen completely for a bit over an hour! Then it dipped when I started to feed him and he had to get put back on...but still only a low amount.
*Both boys lungs were sounding a lot clearer and for quite a bit today you wouldn't even hear them breathing! :)

Anyways, I planned on writing more, but I am feeling really tired again! Blah! Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers. And visits from our home teacher, elders quorum pres, bishop, my brother for coming over late wednesday night to give blessings to the boys, and my mom for hanging out with me all day (for 3 days..hehe)!! We appreciate it so much!! I am so happy the boys are getting better! I am so glad that they are in such good hands at such a good hospital! I will keep you all updated with what happens tomorrow!! xoxo


Tamara said...

They look so cute, even with the oxygen. I'm glad they're getting better!

The Shane's said...

I have been gone so long! I am so glad they are on the mend! The priesthood is amazing! I so happy they are feeling better!