Friday, May 1, 2009

Family Night Fun!

Monday night we had a lot of fun! My sister in law Shelley invited us over for dinner and then we went over to their church parking lot and let the kids have some fun. They had borrowed a couple little 4wheelers and a little go-kart. They had so much fun!! Jenica couldn't get enough of it!! I took a bunch of pictures, but it was getting dark and the rest were too far away to even see her. So here is her action shot.

I asked her to take me around with her a couple times!! That didn't last too long though, I slowed her down quite a bit and she told me I needed to get off. It was a little scary trusting my 7 year old to drive me around. At least my weight did slow her down a little! Probably not the best idea, but I took a picture while she was driving!!
Kiki rode around with Josh for quite a bit. She loved it too, but she had a hard time concentrating on what she was doing, she was more interesting in watching the other kids driving that she would lose focus and go off course. So, she got to have daddy with her the whole time.
And then her Uncle rode around on the go kart with her because all the kids were having trouble remembering which pedal was gas and which was the brake.

I got a little video of her driving it, but it was too dark, pretty much you can hear Jeff screaming and yelling slow down, slow down!! lol Hopefully we will get to go do it again! The kids can't wait!

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