Tuesday, August 4, 2009

10 Months!!

The boys are now 10 months old! I can't believe in less than 2 months my little guys will be 1 already! How is this possible? I swear that I just had them! It makes me so sad that they are growing up sooo very fast!! So here are a few of my favorites pictures from their "I'm 10 months today" photoshoot! lol

They are getting around very well these days, the other day Julian rolled across the whole living room. They aren't crawling forward yet, but they do very well with reverse and flipping around to get where they want to. They have yet to pull themselves up on anything yet, although today Julian pulled himself to his knees in the bathtub) and they haven't gotten themselves to sitting yet. But I'm ok with that! We haven't had to lower their crib mattresses yet, but I know it will be soon! They are learning so very fast!

As for teeth, they FINALLY got their firsts within the last couple weeks! Jonathan got his first and then 3-4 days later Julian got his, and then a few days ago Julian got his second, but Jonathan has yet to get his. It's odd how it all works out!

Anyways, enjoy the pics of my cute little men!


Salinda W. said...

Cute boys! They grow so fast.

Davis and Carter's Mommy said...

SO so cute! Enjoy them!

Jill said...

awwww, you have the cutest kids Kari. Can't wait to see you and your little chubby boys again :)

Unknown said...

They are such cute little buttons. Time really does go so fast. You seem like such a laid back easy going mom, I could use more of that I am sure. Happy 10 months!

Unknown said...

Kari, those are the cutest boys i've ever seen! so stinkin' adorable!! love the pics!