Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th!

We spent the afternoon/evening on the 4th at my parents, with my WHOLE family!  This hasn't happened for quite some time because my older brother and fam have lived in California!  Now they are in town for the next 2+ weeks and then they are off to live!  :)  Lucky bums!  Anyways, my mom told me about a pull-apart cupcake cake in the Target ad last week.  I looked at was alright, I knew I could do better, you know, considering cupcakes are my thing!  I wish I had a pic from the ad to compare it to, but here is what I came up with!  I'm pretty proud of it!!  :)  It's 24 cupcakes all together frosted as one cake!  Only thing took twice as much frosting as just frosting 24 normal cupcakes!
We decided to do some family pictures while we were all together.  This here is probably the best shot of the whole gang!  It's pretty cute...we're getting to be a big group, and man, look at all those kids!  Just think, in a few more months there will be 2 more in there!!  
I'm not quite sure how this all happened, but we were doing a shot of just me and my brothers and parents, and then it turned into me and my dad, bellies together, and then Willy hopped in and stuck his belly out and Josh started clicking some pictures!  I decided to be a dork and show off the real thing, sorry it's so pasty white...that's why it gets kept covered!  
So I had my fun and then Willy decided to lift his shirt also...but his belly is very it was gross...can you tell by the look on my face??  I'll miss ya Willy!!Here we all are, being usual!  I think it's a cute picture, the lighting is a bit off, maybe we can fix it!  
And here is a cute of Josh and the girls!!
Kaitlyn was soooo excited to meet her new lil' cousin Molly!!  While we were getting the kids ready for pictures (they had been swimming), she came and whispered to me if she could touch the baby!  Even better...she got to hold her!  She was tickled!  And Molly...she is adorable!!
We ended up hanging out and doing fireworks with my brothers!  Here are the girls having some sparkler fun!
And here are all the kids (a couple chairs got cut out of the picture).  They were all lined up on the sidewalk to walk the fireworks!!  It was pretty cute!Saturday evening we had a big family party with Josh's extended family!  A big BBQ and Dance, it was called the family hoe down!  After a delicious dinner and much visiting with wonderful family we headed into the decked out garage complete with our own DJ, to dance.  I was so worn out and too chubby to really do much dancing...luckily Josh was wonderful and showed the girls a good time!  They had a blast!!
Cowgirl Jenica!!
And here is Josh's mom with all the grandkids in his grandpa's sweet 1923 Model T!  Pretty sweet, huh?
And lastly, I made more cupcakes!  Surprised?  Didn't think so!  I had to make them for little Molly's blessing today!  
I have some more pictures from the blessing today, but...the camera is in the car and I am too lazy to go out and get it...besides I have already posted 15 pictures, enough to have you all sleeping!  ;)  So I will save those for tomorrow...or the sometime in the next couple days!  I will have loads of pictures to post with Willy and Angie being in town!  This week includes Kangaroo Zoo, the Dinosaur Park in Ogden, swimming at the pirate get the picture!!  Hope you all had a great holiday weekend!!  Ciao!


Angie & Willy said...

Those pics of you and Willy are a crack up :) And Kaitlyn and Molly's pic is perfect!!!

I'm having so much fun seeing you!!!

Diana said...

You are one brave girl to show us your belly! You did it well though. Nice job. I love that you have two babies in there!!! How fun. Your ticker said only like 45 days left. That is soo soon! Wow. Time is really flying. The party with Josh's extended fam seemed so fun? Where was our invite? But then again I bet it was with the other Parry's? Either way, we need to have another family party!I want to see you prego with TWINS!!

Tamara said...

That was lots of fun to see all of those pictures. You're going to be one tired girl! See you later today!

Unknown said...

Wow! All of your pictures look so great! Please tell all of your family hello for me!! I haven't seen you all in so very long! And you know I LOVE your flag cupcake cake! Looks fantastic! I wish we lived close and we could open up a cupcake store together!! (I'm not kidding!!) Loved all the pictures, it looks like you and your family are having so much fun! Have a great week, and don't wear yourself out too much!! :)

*alysha* said...

the belly pics are awesome!

kamikae said...

Your family is sooo cute and you look amazing! I love your blog!

Sara said...

how fun to see angie and willy before they go to Hawaii. Those pics of you and willy are hilarious. I know what it's like to have goofy older brothers, that's for sure!

Looks like you had a great holiday weekend! :)