Sunday, October 5, 2008

1 week old!!

First of all, I got a call from my dr's office to tell me they got the results from the placenta.  And this will also answer the question everyone has been asking me!  They are IDENTICAL!  We can tell them apart right now, because Julian has chubbier cheeks!  But it's getting to the point that we have to have them both together to be able to tell them apart.  It's time to figure out a way to mark one of them so we'll know!!  Here they are in all their cuteness!  :)  
(L-R: Jonathan, Julian, sorry I feel like I need to label them for my own future reference, lol)
I can't believe they are already a week old!  The week has been good, better since we have been home, and each night gets better (we agreed that the worst night we've had to date was the night of the bilibed).  They are really good babies.  I have them both on the same schedule.  I feed them about every 3 hours.  Give or take a little!  They are nursing great and I feed them both at the same time.  I feel like a cow, but it's fun!  :)  Right before I feel them I lay them both down and change them.  We are going through diapers like CRAZY!  They are wearing preemie ones right now because they are still so tiny!  I bought 2 packs at target the other day because smiths doesn't sell preemie ones.  We are averaging 1 pack every 2 days!  I will have to take a picture of the huge stash I have from my baby showers.  But none of them are preemie.  

Here's a picture that Jenica took of us right before I fed them!  I like how skinny my face and arms look!  And good thing I have babies to hold in front of my saggy belly.  lol  Julian in on the left, Jonathan on the right.  
And incase anyone wants to know about my current weight...I've lost about 30 lbs from what I was at when I had them!  I am 12-13 lbs below my pre-preggo weight!  Not too bad...I even pulled out some jeans that were a size too small and I could get them all the way up...just not buttoned.  In 6 weeks I'll have something I can work towards.  Too bad there's no way I'd be able to run to the gym in the mornings.  Maybe when they're a little older.  I will have to pull out the good old turbo jam videos!  


The Shane's said...

obviously, my twins are fraternal, but... when i was preggo a lady in our ward made them bracelets so that we would be able to tell them apart if they were identical. maybe you could have anklets made? of course, there is always a sharpie! lol! kidding!

Angie & Willy said...

You look GREAT and the pics of you with your boys are just too, too cute!!! They're adorable and you look perfect with them :)

Unknown said...

You look FANTASTIC! Holy cow! I wish I would have been below my pre-preggo weight 1 week after having my one baby!! Hahaha! I'm still working on that! ;) They are so cute! FYI, a friend of mine, (who had girls) painted one of her girlies little toes so that she could tell them apart! And another one put a diaper safety pin thing on one of the kids shirts to tell which one was which! I'll have to ask my dad if he remember what my grandma did with him and Kent! Congrats! I want to see a whole family shot! :) Your family is so beautiful!

Angela, Grady and Boys said...

I absolutely LOVE the first pic of the boys on this reminds me so much of mine when they were little. Reading your blog actually makes me so sad because it makes me realize how fast they grew! They are just so adorable when they are even though it may be a little crazy right now...enjoy this time with them! It sounds like you are doing awesome though! The same schedule is definately the key, so way to go! I can't wait to see them, hopefully soon!

Diahan said...

Ohmigosh, Kari. These boys are absolutely adorable!! And you!! My goodness, you look so thin!!
Wow. Wow. Wow.

kamikae said...

Jared will be plenty proud, you look amazing. One day we will be back to the gym for some training again. Your boys are adorable too!