Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Girl Can SPELL!

When Jenica started First Grade this fall I was a little nervous about how she would do!  She had an amazing preschool teacher which totally prepared her for kindergarten, and her kindergarten teaching was great too...but she was put on bedrest half way through the year and in turn Jenica had a substitute for half of the school year!  Anyways, I'm getting off track.  The first week of school this year her teacher sent a newsletter home saying that starting the 2nd week of school they would be having weekly spelling words/tests.  I wasn't sure how she would do.

The 2nd week came and the first spelling list came home!  10 WORDS!  Seriously!?  I was shocked that they would have 10 words every week.  They have a pretest on Thursday and if they get all the words right (spelling and reading them) then they don't have to take the test of Friday.  That thursday Jenica missed 1, and it wasn't spelt wrong, she read it wrong.  Come Friday, she got 100%!  Every week she has gotten 100% on her tests, and a couple times she even got it on the Thursday test and didn't have to take one of Friday!  Except for 1 week, the week I was in the hospital with the babies.  I came home on Wednesday and tried to work with her as much as I could to prepare her for the test of Thursday.  Well, she stayed home sick on thursday so she missed the pretest.  I worked with her on Friday morning before school and she came home with 9/10.  She only missed What (spelled wat).  I am so proud of her and how smart she is!  So yesterday her teacher sent home a paper with next weeks spelling words.  She's doing a review and each kid will only have the words they have missed on their tests.  Jenica's paper had 1 word on it!  How awesome is that?  

I just wanted to let you all know how well she is doing and brag about how smart she is!  :)  So that you know I have more going on in my life than just babies, even though it seems like they're all I blog about lately!  I love my girls!!  


Tamara said...

And she's super cute too--what a killer combination : )

The Shane's said...

what a smart little cookie! good for her! i love that hat!!!!