Friday, October 10, 2008

More Sweetness!

Just a few random pictures from the last few days!!  This one cracks me up, I took it the other day right after I got done feeding them!  They were so out!  Jonathan is in the red, Julian in the blue.  
It's come to the point that I have to put something different on them to easily tell them apart.  Even if they are wearing the same outfit I will put a different colored onesie or different socks on each one and that is how I tell them apart for the day, or as long as that outfit lasts.  On Monday Josh took them to the dr alone.  They were wearing different sleepers, one was blue, one was striped.  They were the same that they had slept in.  So I got used to Jonathan being in stripes, Julian being in blue.  I met Josh after the appt to get the boys and give him his car (he had the van).  I got home and was in the bathroom, Josh's mom and aunt came over to see the boys and took them out of their carseats.  When I came back into the family room they were asking who was who.  I told them based on the outfits I had them in.  Then Josh's mom asked "are you sure?"  I looked at them and was so confused.  Josh tried to trick me.  And the sad thing was I thought I could remember the outfits were changed.  I was feeding them and couldn't figure out why Julian was having trouble latching on, Jonathan is the one that is struggling with that.  So after half hour of calling him the wrong name I realized how retarded I was.

I wasn't thinking it would be so cool in late september/early october.  But it has been freezing.  It did warm up quite a bit the other afternoon, so I was able to dress them in short sleeves for the first time.  I figured I may as well get it in while I can, I bought too many short sleeved things.  I will have to get some long sleeved onesies to wear under some of their outfits.  They are also still so tiny that they are swimming in newborn sized clothes.  I don't know what I am going to do about their monkey costumes I bought...they are going to be HUGE!  Oh well...they have a couple more weeks of growing to do!  Here they are cuddling in the same bouncy chair...(Jonathan on the the rest of the pictures too)
...and cuddling with Daddy after work a couple nights ago!
And lastly, showing off their cute new outfits.  Which only lasted a few hours...
...I was getting ready to feed them and was changing their diapers first!  I started with Julian.  Once I got the diaper off he started peeing.  I grabbed a wipe to protect myself.  I took that off and he started peeing again.  I ended up grabbing his pants and throwing them on him.  That diverted the stream and he shot pee all over his face.  And his pants were soaked.  Poor guy.  Then he started pooping, which ended up getting all over the blanket, his onesie and up his back when I was trying to get his clothes off.  So the blanket I was changing them on looked like a war zone.  Then I looked at Jonathan laying there in his cute outfit still.  Sad that they weren't going to match anymore.  Then I picked him up to change him and sure enough, he was wet clear up his back.  Luckily he was done when I changed him and didn't have to worry about too many more messes.  Just lots of dirty clothes to wash!  

So that was my fun for the afternoon yesterday!  I'm going to try and catch a quick nap before they wake up to eat again!  Last night was rough.  I think they don't like when I eat chocolate.  They were both really fussy.  Josh and I both ended up sleeping with one of them on our bellies.  They didn't wake up at 3 to eat, they slept till after 4, which has thrown off the whole schedule today!  So I am going to lay down while I can!  

Happy Friday!  :) 


Diana said...

Kari, they are SOOOO cute. I honestly can't get enough of you having twins. Nice job surviving being a mommy of four! Well done. I need to come visit.

Tamara said...

I love reading these posts about your cute little guys. You are doing such an awesome job of handling everything (I'm not sure I could do it!). See ya soon!

Liz said...

I've been off chocolate for 3 1/2 weeks now. It's actually not been too bad. Until Andrew reminded me that he could still have chocolate and convinced me to make brownies. Apparently they were really good, because he wouldn't shut up about it! I haven't been tempted at all until then! But, I didn't cave! I'm so proud of myself!! :) I'm finding too many non-chocolate desserts, and will end up gaining all my weight back! You look awesome by the way!

Oh yeah, I think Jonathan looks more like Jenica (at least in the pictures). And Julian's cheeks look chubbier! They are adorable!! How are the girls handling it?

Erin said...

A little idea that might help when changing diapers (at least with the peeing problem) Brandon and I bought a bunch of washcloths and we use them to cover the offending area so that we do not get a shower of pee. As for the pooing thing, I sympathize, once when I was changing Aiden he peed, pooed and spit up all at the same time. All you can do is laugh and then pick a good starting place for cleaning the mess up. You are doing a wonderful job!

Christy said...

Kari, the boys are darling! It seems like things are going well for you. I remember all too well battling the diaper changes with my boys. You'll figure out what works for you sooner than you think. I think the washcloth suggestion is excellent! I'm here for you if you ever need anything.