Saturday, November 22, 2008

Yay Me!

This will be short, I only have a second!  But I wanted to share a couple things...

-today my babies are 8 WEEKS OLD!  How did that happen?
-yesterday I won FIRST PLACE in the soup cook-off for Josh's work with my awesome chicken noodle soup!  I will post the recipe later.
-said contest winning got me a $25 megaplex gift card
-today I got away completely childless for 5 1/2 hours, why, you may ask?  I got to go to TWILIGHT with Josh's mom, 2 sister in laws, 2 aunts, and 1 cousin.  Then we went to lunch and to a chocolate shop and got amazing caramel apples!  and when I got home everyone was still alive!  :)


Tamara said...

Yay for you! Every time you post you talk about some kind of food that makes me want a treat : ). Glad you had a good time, you deserve it!

Kirsti said...

That's awesome! I don't know if I've been away from my little peeps that long. I think if I were I would most likely want a nap! :) Andy and I are going to see Twilight this next week. What did you think of it?

Jessica Marie said...

LOL! I love how your day went. I'm glad you went and saw "Twilight." I just watched it this afternoon. It was nice to get away too!

Anonymous said...

Way to go girl!! When I had only 1 baby that was 8 weeks old, I was excited if I got all my kids dressed on the same day much less win a cooking contested!!

Angie & Willy said...

Un-frickin-believable. Molly is almost 8 months old and the longest I've been away from her was... oh... today. For 1 1/2 hours while I went to the temple and Willy waited outside with the kids. seriously, how can you be gone from the boys that long and the world not come crumbling down?! AAAAAAAAAARGH I'm SOOOOOO jealous!!!! Angie needs some ME time!!