Saturday, December 20, 2008

thumb sucking

Neither of the girls were ever thumb-suckers...Jenica would suck on a couple fingers, but that stopped pretty quickly.  Julian is our thumb-sucker.  I don't know how I feel about it in the long term, but right now it's pretty cute!!  He started it all on his own and can keep himself pretty happy with it.  
And if I am putting up a picture of Julian, here is one of he doesn't feel left out!  :)
I loooove these little outfits.  Carters has been my favorite!  They always seem to be having some big sale and they are always giving me extra 20% off coupons!  I got these the day after thanksgiving and this was their first time wearing them!  Adorable!  But of course the cuteness didn't last much longer than the pictures, because as soon as these were taken I went to change Julian and he had pooped clear up his back.  Fun times.  This just barely started happening for them.  And it's even more fun when they both do it at the same time!

So I got Julian all washed up in the sink and was getting his jammies on and Jenica brought me the camera and wanted me to take a picture of her!  She looks pretty stinkin' cute!
After I was done she took the camera and wanted to take a picture of me.  I told her no because I looked gross.  She said no, you look pretty.  What a sweet girl.  I suppose I don't look as nasty as I thought I did!  Here's me and Julian!
We have gotten quite a bit of snow in last the week!  The girls have been sooo excited to go sledding so the other day I pulled the sleds out for them and they had tons of fun!  It's great that there is a part right behind out house with a nice little sledding hill.  I can watch them from the house and stay nice and warm.  Josh is out there with them right now!  

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Confessions of a 6 year old

This comes after countless arguing over trying to get this girl to help me clean.

Jenica:  "Mom...I was born not to like cleaning!"
Me: "Me too..."

2 weeks?!

Once again, not quite sure where the time has gone!   I cannot believe it has been 2 weeks since I last blogged (well now 2 weeks + 2 days...yikes).  So I suppose I will try to briefly go through that time!!

Thanksgiving was fun.  Very busy with lots to do, but very fun!  That morning we had a big breakfast with Josh's family and then that afternoon we went to my parents for dinner. 
Friday we had a dinner with Josh's dad's side of the family.  Too much fun, they are a riot.  We played a bunch of games and at one point during human rock paper scissors (for lack of a name, that pretty much describes the game) I nearly peed my pants.  Here are the boys with Josh's cousins twin boys.  Too fun having 2 sets in the same family!  
And then Saturday we had another dinner with Josh's mom's side of the family.  Again, another fun dinner!  

Here are my cute chubby super hero babies!  I can't believe how big they are getting!!  They are starting to smile now quite a bit.  I love it, but I have yet to get any good ones with the camera, because they start smiling, I pull out the camera and they just look at me weird! 
Jenica still loves cuddling with them.  The victim in this picture in Julian!
For family night we made a gingerbread house.  Here is the finished project.  It was a lot of (messy) fun!  ...and now the girls can't stop asking if they can eat it!
We blessed the babies on the 7th of this month!  Thanks to all of our family/friends that came!  We had a house full with 40+ people.  It was crazy, but a good time.  Didn't get a great family picture, but here is one that was decent, we're not all looking at the same camera though...guess that's what happens when you have 3 different people taking pictures at once!
And here are my bubbers in their cute blessing outfits.  Thanks for the warning Lizzy about the shedding...although I didn't believe it until we were all completely covered in white hair at church.  hehe  Thank goodness for lint rollers!  They looked adorable!   
A couple days before the blessing I was worried we would have to postpone it because Kaitlyn was throwing up!  Poor little girl told me one night that she really wanted to eat her dinner, but her tummy was telling her not to!  Minutes later she was running to the bathroom.  The next time around she didn't quite make it to the toilet.  She puked on the family room floor, in the hallway a little, on the bathroom floor which she ended up slipping and falling on, all before getting to the toilet.  The next time she didn't get up at all...infact she didn't wake up.  She fell asleep on the couch next to me and I was feeding the babies.  We had a barf bowl nearby, but a little out of my reach.  She threw up on her blanket and never woke up.  I was trying to wake her up but no luck.  I finally managed to grab the bowl, while still feeding the babies, and held it under her face.  But she wouldn't wake up.  It was quite frustrating.  Luckily it was like a 24 hour thing and the next morning she was just fine!

I was hoping no one else would get sick.  But the next week I got a call from the office at Jenica's school telling me I needed to come pick her up.  Poor thing.  They were having singing time, all the 1st grade classes were together practicing their christmas songs and when they stood up Jenica threw up all over.  It was all over her shirt sleeves, a little in her hair, and all over a boys sweater.  I felt so sad for her, she told me she was so embarrassed she threw up in front of the entire first grade.  We kept her home the next day just to be safe, but hers too was just a 24 hour thing!!

Ok, enough about puke!  I need to wrap this's getting way too late, and I need my sleep!  :/  This last weekend was Josh's work Christmas party.  It was at the JSMB on the 9th floor.  A very nice dinner.  It was a lot of fun and I love getting dressed up for it!  Only bad thing was the saturday was a huge snow storm.  We learned that the van handles pretty well in the snow.  We headed up to my parents in the morning because we were supposed to go make gingerbread houses with  my sister in laws and their kids.  But none of them ended up going because of the snow, so we were the only ones.  We hung out all day, it was my moms birthday!  It was lovely!  Then that night we went to the party while my parents watched all the kids.  It was so much fun!  Our 2nd date that week!  Are we lucky or what?  Here are some pictures from that night!

Me on the 10th floor, overlooking the temple!
Me and handsome man!  :)  
And since that picture was taken by me, someone offered to take our picture! So nice!  :)
And that's all I've got.  Sorry so long, I don't know how to write just a little, but at least now I feel caught up!  Hopefully I can stay caught up!!

Oh, and big news...the boys are sleeping soooo good.  Last night I fed them at 10:30pm and they slept until 5am!  It was fantastic.  Then they slept until 9am.  I fed them, and then we all slept til noon!  :)