Tuesday, April 21, 2009


The bubba's first Easter! I just had to share one of my favorite pictures of my super smiley boys! I love it!
And here are all my cute kiddos in their Easter duds after church! Not the greatest picture of them all, but I love the face Jonathan is making! :)
And of course the girls needed their own shots as well! I can't believe how big they are getting! I was just looking at last years Easter pics (which Kaitlyn is doing the exact same pose).
Jeni is feeling a little old to have me make her pose in her Easter dress.

Easter was a bit different for us this year. Usually we have plans with the extended family for a big dinner. It just happened to be the day my Mom flew to Hawaii to visit my brothers family. We had plans to do something with Josh's family, but they rushed out of town on the Thursday before to make a quick trip to California. So I thought I would invite over another brothers family and my Dad. But they both already had plans with other family. So I just decided to do something with my own little family. But the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to have a big nice dinner, and this year it was up to me. So nothing like going to Smith's the night before and getting all the groceries needed to make a nice meal. I invited over Josh's siblings. I played mom this year! I was so proud of myself! The menu included a spiral cut honey ham, scalloped potatoes (made from freshly diced potatoes...none of those frozen ones for me, thanks), seven layer salad, and the most delicious strawberry shortcake ever made for dessert.

1 comment:

Angie & Willy said...

cute cute cute Easter kids! The boys look like such happy little bundles. :)