Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring Break Day 2

I already posted my haircut pictures. Tuesday (the 14th) I got up and drove back downtown to my sister in laws house. She had talked me into cutting my hair off and donating it. There is an Aveda salon close to her house, so she watched to kids while I went to my appointment. They have a new artist side that is only $15 for a cut (including scalp massage, wash, cut, and style). And since I was donating my hair, they take $15 it was Free! Can't argue with that price. :)

After I was done I picked up the kids and headed over to Discovery Gateway (the childrens museum) to meet my friend Aimee and let the kids have some fun. We have never been there and the girls had a blast. Since there were so many pictures, he's some of my favorites from the day! (you can click to make it bigger...ooops...just realized that Jeni's head is cut off on the horse picture...hehe)


Unknown said...

haha! i have had a dry spell for a little while, eh?? :) i will start back up blogging in a bit. After I get off facebook I usually don't have time to add and update on my blog...but i do have quite a bit to blog about. i'll post some stuff soon. ;)

*alysha* said...

I love the Gateway!