Thursday, August 20, 2009


Today Jenica started the 2nd grade!! I cannot believe! I know that 2nd grade isn't all that old, but it is for me!! And next week Kaitlyn starts Kindergarten!! That will give me a few hours each day of just me and the boys! Hooray!!

So I just uploaded all these pics and they came up in reverse order and I don't feel like dragging them into the right order, so we will just go backwards!! :)

Jeni is in Spanish Immersion this year (until 6th grade...yikes). She is so excited about it and her teacher seems really nice! Here they are together this morning!And here is the traditional (thanks again, Angie, for the idea) first day of school picture! Followed by all of her previous first day pics, so you can see how much she has grown and changed since preschool! :) Look how grown up this girls


Ang Campbell said...

You're welcome :) I LOVE this tradition! (I got the idea from a friend right around the time Ben started Kindergarten (her son is about a year older than Ben) so fortunately we've been able to do it each year :)

Veena said...

So cute!!! I am totally stealing this idea! Thanks!

suzy said...

I was going to steal your idea and do a little sign for Gwen's first day of Kindergarten...and then I didn't do it cause my handwriting isn't cute and I didn't have any markers...and I'm lazy. You are a good mom. You even got a pic with the teacher.

Liz said...

I swear she was just starting 1st grade! I totally remember seeing her and Kaitlyn's pictures last year! That seems like just yesterday. And they aren't even my kids! WOW!!! So Cute!