Thursday, August 13, 2009

Poor Sick Bubba!

Last Saturday mr Julian woke up with a nasty little cough! Was my boy really getting sick again? We had made it over 2 months with no sickness and here it was again!! That night was horrible! He slept with us, well, sorta...he didn't sleep much, so in turn, neither did I! So I stayed home while Josh took the girls to church and then he came home and took care of the boys so I could play the piano in relief society! So anyways, Monday I thought he was seeming better so I didn't take him to the dr.

Tuesday we went to Thanksgiving Point for $2 Tuesday with my mom and sister in laws!
Poor Julian was just miserable!

So I left the girls with my mom to enjoy Farm Country. She said she would bring them home when they were done.

Julian ended up needing a breathing treatment which helped his breathing, so they told me to continue them at home 3 times a day for 3 days...(2 days down now), and then he had an ear infection so he's on an antibiotic for that, and then some oral steroid for the breathing as well. Poor baby. Here he is not enjoying his albuteral yesterday! :( Makes me so sad!


Ang Campbell said...

Oh man! I'm sorry he's so sick. Hope he's feeling better.

I heard from probably half a dozen friends in Utah that $2 Tuesday was insane LOL. It's funny to me to think of a bunch of my friends from different circles all being in the same place at the same time. Crazy!

Tamara said...

poor little baby! I hope he's feeling better today!

Brownie Bites said...

I'm so sorry. Sick babies are so helpless. Hope the worst is over.