Friday, August 14, 2009

Reunion Luau

On the 24th of July we went to a big family reunion/Luau. It was lots of fun! We had a big Hawaiian feast followed by a dancing show.

This is Josh's great grandma, so great great grandma to the boys. I asked her if she would hold both of the boys so I could get a picture of them together since I hadn't gotten one yet, and she said sure, as long as they don't cry. It was cute! They didn't hold up their end because they both started screaming! Oooops!
Here of the boys with the great grandparents!
Grandpa gave Julian a huge piece of bbq'd chicken. He loved it, until we took it away from him...then he got really mad!
Can't remember how old this boy was, I wanna say 12? He was pretty good...I don't think I would be comfortable twirling around a flaming baton!!
I always try to get a picture of Josh and I together, but he never cooperates...I have a ton of goofy pictures of us! Silly boy!
And then he gave in and finally smiled for real! Yay! I love it!
And here is my oh so tired baby when we got home! I love how his hand is behind his head!

And here is a video I took during the Luau of a lady teaching everyone how to hula. Josh, Jeni, and Kaitlyn are all in there!!

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