Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bubbas Turn 1!!

I cannot believe how far behind I have gotten! So let us rewind back to SEPTEMBER 27!! My baby boys turned ONE! I can't believe it! It's so exciting for them to grow and learn new things, but it's also so sad that they are growing so fast!! So here are some pics from the fun day we had! We gave them Mater and Lightning McQueen cars! They weren't too thrilled about them then, but over the last month+ they have come to like them! They only know one direction so far, which is reverse. Unless it's Jonathan, he uses it as a walker and goes forward! :)

Here are all the goodies I made for the big party!!
I think they were a little overwhelmed with all the presents! I love these hats my mom got them...Jonathan on the other hand isn't so sure!

Cake time! They hated the party hats I made them until they had cake right in front of them! I'm glad they left them of for a few pictures!
Jonathan after digging into his cake! He kept himself quite clean!
Julian went to town though, smearing it all over his head!

We are so grateful for all our friends and family that came to share the fun with us! It totally wore the boys out! Here they are all ready for bed!


Jessica Marie said...

Happy Birthday to them! They are so adorable! :)

Anonymous said...

It's okay ...I'm super behind too it must be all the kids we

The Scientist said...

They are very cute!