Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Stupid Photoshop...

I was going to finish ONE more scrapbooking page and then post them all for you to see. I was on the last one, which was by far my favorite of the handful I got done today. I changed the font of the last thing and it CRASHED! And even worse, it was never saved. So now it is 10:30...bedtime...5:30 creeps up too fast! So tomorrow after I get back from the gym I am sure I will sit down and try to recreate it. 

I will just share this layout for now.  It's from Jenica's book I am working on for her first year.  I think it turned out pretty cute.  We still have the bear, it's fun to see how tiny she used to be compared to that thing, it's really not that big now that she's so big.  I'm off to bed now, more tomorrow!

Credits: Paper - weeds and wildflowers, font - ck aire


suzy said...

you need to teach me how to use photoshop. I tried digital scrapbooking once, but it didn't turn out that great. I wish I was faster at it, because it is so much more convenient. Where do you get your pages printed?

suzy said...

I tagged you. Check my blog for details.