Saturday, December 8, 2007

Party Time!!

Oh tonight was so much fun! I already cannot wait until the Christmas party next year...a year to go...!! hehe 

The evening started a little rocky...hors d'oeuvres started at 5:45, we didn't leave the house until 5:30...and we had a good drive ahead of us, especially considering it was snowing like crazy.  I was sad we were going to miss them because we missed them last year also...6:15 was a welcome and 6:30 was dinner.  We arrived at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building at 6:15...but go figure, the lot was full, so we drove another 3 blocks or so and parked at a hotel where they accepted validation from the JSMB.  Luckily the snow had stopped, but it was freezing and we were so late.  We walked as fast as we could through the sea of people downtown to see the christmas lights and we hopped on the elevator up to the 9th floor and walked in right at 6:30.  We ended up sitting at the same table as Dan, Josh's boss.  It was good.  The food was great.  Some delicious salads, prime rib, turkey, twice baked potatoes, rolls, and dessert.  After dinner was done they did some gifts to and speeches from people with anniversaries with the company.  One lady was there 10 years, 4 guys from 15 years, and Josh's boss for 20 years.  They did a few drawings for prizes, but we didn't win anything and then we headed for costco.

We were planning on just getting a Nintendo DS.  Our plan was destroyed, they were out.  We got $200 to spend this year, and I think we did pretty well, we came within 9 cents of our limit!!  That was pretty good!  Here's what we got:
-kitchenaid icecream attachment with 4 cute little ice cream bowls
-tillamook extra sharp white cheddar 2# brick
-a new clock to hang in the kitchen that was bigger than the one that we currently had up there, it's a satellite one so it always stays set
-josh got a big fancy airplane book
-2 games for the DS that we will have to buy somewhere else.
-a dvd of 13 of the Pixar Short Films.  I am way excited to watch it!!
-Rachael Ray "just in time!" cookbook
-another cookbook "deceptively delicious" (simple secrets to get your kids eating good food)

I say we did pretty well considering we didn't have a plan this year, just like last year.  And I probably wasted the first 10 minutes running around looking for a stupid hidden bow to win a present, which I never found.  30 minutes really isn't very long.  We were down to $18.18 left to spend and you can't go over...then I found the Pixar Shorts for $18.09 and right when I grabbed it the horn blew and it was over.  I was so excited!  The cashier was pretty impressed.  After we checked out we hung out and talked to Josh's boss for a little bit and then headed home.  I'm excited to look through my new cookbooks, I have a menu to make for the next couple weeks so I hope I find some good stuff!!  Good Night!


Tamara said...

Sounds fun! I'm glad you guys had such a great time! I saw Jessica Seinfeld talking about that cookbook on Oprah. You'll have to tell me how you like it! Tamara

Erin said...

Love the Costco shopping spree! My husband works there and it is known as the $100 store.