Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy {CHINESE} New Year

**EDIT**  I feel like an idiot...I wasn't sure when Chinese New Year was, I looked it up online this morning before school and I swear it said January 7,  then Angie corrected me, and I went and looked again and I read it wrong, it said February my brain isn't working!  Oh well!  **END EDIT**

Apparently this is late, Chinese New Year was January 7, but this week Jenica has been learning all about it, taking Chinese or Japanese stuff for show and tell and I guess today is the day the school is celebrating it.  She kept insisting that she was supposed to wear her clothes to school (she has 2 different Japanese Outfits from our Ai and Aki).  So today I went down and found this cute outfit, it actually has matching shorts, but it's snowing...she begged me to wear them.  She even said she could take them in her backpack and go into the bathroom and change.  How cute, I "forgot" to put them in her bag though.  Oh well.  I thought she looked pretty cute so of course I had to get a picture.  :)


Angie & Willy said...

She looks adorable!! She's growing up so much.

FYI the start of the Chinese New Year is February 7th this year :) They must just be really gearing up for it early LOL.

*alysha* said...

soo cute!

Unknown said...

She look so cute! Of course I could show you how to braid, I just don't know how I would do that....maybe I could take pictures step by step? Let me think about that one and I'll come up with something! It seriously is super easy! I taught myself how to french braid when I was 11 when mom went back to school. She took me to the library and we checked out some braiding books, and voila!! That braid on Chloe is actually a 5 strand weave, my favorite braid to do on her hair! Anyway, I'll get back to you! Have a wonderful day!