Sunday, January 13, 2008


Oh my goodess...I haven't played Risk for ages...probably not since long before I got married.  I don't think I could even tell you the last time I played.  Until tonight.

We went over to Josh's parents for dinner, and after dinner we were trying to get the boys to stay upstairs and do something with us, a game, anything.  They always go down to the basement and play the xbox and do their own thing.  Tonight Josh pulled out risk and the battle began.  There were 6 of us playing.  I was the first to go out...after over 2 hours!  :(  

It was a lot of fun.  I was down to one country...Japan.  I had 14 pieces stockpiled on it and once my sil Shelley moved all her pieces and there was only 1 left I knew it was time to make my move.  I took out her 1, then moved into N. America, which was all taken over by my bil Jeff.  I took over 6 of the countries there, but I only had 1 army on each one.  And so when his next turn came around he took me out and then Shelley finished my last 2 off on her turn.  It was great!  Too bad it is such a long game, I've been out for probably an hour and the other 5 are still going, although Josh says Shelley is just about out!  I was hoping to go to bed early tonight and now it's 11:15, so much for that!  Anyways, I have a picture to put up, I am waiting for my bil to email it to me though!  I'm off to bed!  Good Night!


Tamara said...

Can you believe I've never played Risk? I feel deprived! Sounds like fun. I would love it if we could get together with family more often. See ya soon!

suzy said...

Thanks for the heads up. I was so excited I actually clapped my hands. Good thing my kids are used to having a crazy mom. So at first I was just using quick pages because I couldn't figure out how to make templates work. But finally someone was nice enough to give instructions with their template and I am loving it so much better. I am taking a photo shop class in March so hopefully I will be able to do it all on my own soon.