Thursday, January 10, 2008


When I went out this morning to start the car and take out the garbage cans before I took Jeni to school I saw the most beautiful sunrise! I am sad that these pictures don't do it any justice! It was so pink and soooo pretty! The picture are screwed up layout wise, and I don't have the patience to try to fix it! I have to go get Jeni from school in a few minutes and then we are going to run a few errands since today is my only "day off" this week! lol I never have a day off, just days off from watching other peoples kids!

So, I don't know what else to say right now, I am kinda bummed though that I didn't write yesterday. First missed day this year. Oh well I guess, it was going to happen sooner or later.

And as for my hair, I think I like it today. I washed it and styled it myself, always makes a big difference to me. So enjoy the self portrait I took of myself. lol I am such a dork, I know...but I think it's cute (the hair). :) Alright...Time to go! More later I'm sure...


Unknown said...

Wow! What beautiful sunrise pics! Those are fantastic! And your hair looks great! I like it! Yeah, too bad we don't live closer, that would be fun to open up a shop together! Oh! The heart is the doormat that is at target, and they also have a cute inside one I want to get! I love,love,love target. That is probably where I get into the most trouble spending money...and the heart placemats, and dishtowels and stuff were there,too. Have fun on your day off! Talk to you soon!

suzy said...

your hair is cute! And that is such a beautiful sunrise. I guess I need to get out of bed before 9 to see things like that, huh?

suzy said...

Okay, I just went to buy some stuff from Nancy Kubo because I really wanted her Aloha Cuties to do some pages for our Hawaii vacation and I saw that she retired!! Since you have her link on your page I am HOPING that you have anything from her?!?! I just love her designs and I am so bummed that she retired! Let me know!

*alysha* said...

That particular sunrise was right over Mt. Timp and it has a lot of meaning to me and my sisters as my Grandpa passed away not to long ago. His favorite Mountain he used to hike was back lite with this pink and purple sky. My sister took a picture of it too but also said her photo doesn't do it justice.