Monday, February 11, 2008

no strep

last night Jenica hit I packed the kids up and took them to an instacare up in Riverton.  After an hour and a half neither of them tested positive for strep (a relief I guess), but poor Kaitlyn has a double ear infection.  So she's on ammoxicilan (sp?) now and both of them are still on advil because they both still have fevers.  Hopefully this ends soon!  I have been trying to catch up w/ some of the housework today, the house was a disaster, it happens when everyone is sick!  I feel ok, but I'm pretty tired today!  I tried to take a quick nap at like 3, but the kids refused to let me!  So I'm back up and need to finish up the kitchen and sweep/mop so I can start dinner!  


Tamara said...

Hope you're feeling a little better now (and the girls). Talk to you tomorrow!

Encore Dance said...

I hope you all start feeling better! That does not sound like fun. Oh, I found some pics of us on drill team hanging out at some pool, was it in Flordia? dunno

*alysha* said...

My baby has a DOUBLE EAR INFECTION too! What is up with that?
It was nice seeing you the other day, I'm serious about the digi-scrapbook lesson. Maybe when our kids stop being sick we can get together. Good Luck and catching some Zzzzz's