Wednesday, May 28, 2008


A couple weeks ago I noticed that Jenica had a permanent tooth coming in.  But that was a problem, because she hadn't lost any of her baby teeth yet.  Her 2 bottom middle teeth were loose, and we had been wobbling them like crazy, but no luck.  Her tooth was coming in behind her baby teeth, like in the picture, but the left one had just started to push through the gums.  This is what happens if you don't get rid of the baby teeth.  It's called Shark Teeth!
So we worked on getting those teeth wobbled out for a week and a half.   But the problem is that when a tooth comes in, it dissolves the root of the tooth it is replacing.  Since the tooth was behind, this didn't happen, her roots were still deep.  So I decided it was time to take her to the dentist because she needed to come out so the permanent teeth could move forward and not place themselves in the gums.  Here is Jenica for the last time with her cute perfect little baby teeth.
And here she is after. Can you believe that 2 teeth fit in that one little spot?  
She did not want to get them pulled...I didn't want her to either, I felt like she was being gypped, losing her first teeth, but having to experience it like that...have a dentist yank them from her mouth.  He numbed her, and then she wouldn't open her mouth.  I had to hold her down, arms and legs and we pried her mouth open just enough for him to grab onto the tooth and pull it out.  They came out very easily.  We told her she was done and she sat up and looked surprised.  In the car on the way home she said "I'm a big girl, mom".  She did well considering.  I just feel guilty for robbing her of losing her first tooth.  I think she's over it, she ran and showed all the neighbors and her friends when we got home.  She was even more excited to show everyone at school today!  I think she was the only 1 in her class that hadn't lost a tooth in Kindergarten, she'd come home daily and tell me who was losing teeth!  

She's growing up...*sigh*


By Suzy Carlson said...

You might feel like you jipped her, but at least you can rest easy knowing that you're a good mom and you didn't just let her go around with shark teeth. I know a kid whose teeth did that and his mom just waited for it to happen naturally and in the meantime he didn't even want to talk to people cause he was so embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

I agree with suzy, don't worry about jipping her, at least you can still do all the fun tooth fairy stuff, which she will likely remember more anyway than how the teeth actually came out! :) She is getting big, and just wait, her teeth will be dropping left and right now! :)