Thursday, September 25, 2008

36 weeks!

Well here I am! 36 WEEKS! I didn't imagine I would have made it this far! But here I am in all my big belly glory!!
We are heading to the dr in a few minutes. Nonstress test and then dr appt. I am a little nervous because my ankles have swollen a tiny bit in the past couple days (normal, I why am I freaking out?) I have gained more weight, which also makes me nervous, because it was like 4 lbs in the last week...making my total around 10 lbs...and then I have been itching like crazy! I'm trying not to think about it much, everything will be fine! Josh is going with me today! He's come for all my ultrasounds, but he's never been to a NST!

Anyways, I'll let you know if anything happens!! Happy thursday! :)



My Skin aches just seeing you...I can't even image how that must feel!
I hope your Dr. starts you today! 36 weeks is Great Number when it comes to TWINS.
Good Luck!!

Angie & Willy said...

I love the Kiki angle photos :)

No stressing allowed. Just try to relax and enjoy the next few days with two babies instead of 4. It's a big jump ;) You're in great hands with LOTS of people looking out for you. You're going to be fine!

Anxiously awaiting!!

Liz said...

10 lbs?!?!?! That's it? Holy cow! You're going to be a twig! Congrats on making it this far! Anything longer is just going to be better for Jr 1 & Jr 2! :) Since they don't have names yet, that's what I'll call them. ;) Your next update better be from the hospital... Love ya!

Jocelyn said...

Did I read that right?!!... 10 pounds total? What in the world?!