Sunday, November 30, 2008

2 months old!

I don't know how it happened, but my little bubbies are already 2 months old!  Where did the time go?  I wish it would slow down because it is going waaaay too fast!  I took them to the dr last monday for their 2 month checkup.  They are in the 25th% for height and weight.  Jonathan weighed in at 11 lb 7 oz, and Julian was 11 lb 10 oz.  3 oz apart just like the day they were born.  Sorry I don't remember their heights off the top of my head.  But Julian measured like 1/2 inch shorter than Jonathan.  Weird, but the measuring method isn't exactly the most accurate.  So they are growing good, which made me very happy because sometimes I worry I'm not making enough mommy milk.  But apparently I am, and I haven't had to supplement at all!  Yay!  Here they are sporting their Christmas duds.  :)


Diana said...

They are adorable!! It was so fun to see you on Friday. I love that they are so chubby. It's the best way for babies to be. I'm with you little babies grow way too fast! My friends theory is that Heavenly Father has babies grow fast so you want to have more! Funny huh. I wish it would slow down just a tad.

Angie & Willy said...

My gosh! I have no idea how that happened either! I just can't believe they're already 2 months old! I'm so glad for all the pictures you post. It's hard for Auntie Angie to not be there to see them and snuggle them in person :(

Kirsti said...

I think my 2 yr old son understands a little more than I realized. He saw the pic of your little gippers and exclaimed, "Twins!"

And the time does go very fast. I almost think it goes faster with 2 because you're so busy. If you figure out how to get time to slow down let me know!

Anonymous said...

they are cute!! I'm jealous of your page...I'm going to have to have you show me how to change mine

The Shane's said...

awwww! your little men are growing so fast! i can't believe my little ones will be 3 in a few weeks!

Tom and Misti Sherwood said...

They look so handsome! Time flies!

Elizabeth said...

i totally adore seeing all these pics of your little men in the matching stylish outfits! to die for! that blessing outfit is that exact one i got for rowan's blessing. major problem though - it shed white fluffy stuff over EVERYONE who came near him. i even washed it first. have you noticed that? we taught sunday school after sac. mtg. and the white stuff was swirling in the air in the room! crazy.

how fun to get out and see twilight and east sweets. that was well-deserved time for you!

do your boys sleep on their tummies? rowan does.

Robb and Kerryann said...

You are right they do look good and healthy. Good job mom!

Jessica Marie said...

They are getting so big! They are ADORABLE! Love the matching outfits! :)

Anonymous said...

So cute. My niece is expecting twins, but they're little girls. I can't wait! The problem is, just like you point out, they age so fast.