Thursday, November 20, 2008

Too much to do!

I bought Wall-E the other day and the kids have been going crazy waiting to watch it with Daddy.  So last night was the night, he let the stay up late to watch it with him.  About 5 minutes into it Kaitlyn was out.  I was shocked that Jeni stayed awake through the whole thing.  And considering how late she was up last night she was really happy this morning.  I was surprised!  Here are all the kiddos, babies included, watching the movie/sleeping.
And Josh was making noises about how bright the flash was in the dark, so I took a picture of him.  And I like it, so I am showing all of you!  :)  He's so handsome!!Yesterday he went to an auction at the U or something like that, and ended up buying 2 older iMacs for $50!  I guess they need a hard drive and some work, but if anyone can fix a computer it's Josh.  So that helps out a lot with the indecision I am having about what to get the girls for Christmas, because no toy is jumping out saying Buy me,  Buy me!!  They just have too many toys that they don't play with now.  So why buy more?  I am looking to tell a HUGE lot of littlest pet shop toys, any takers??  Anyways, it will be really fun for them to have their own little computers.  Then I don't have to deal with them fighting over MY computer.  And at least they are playing around on an educational website.  it's even the one they use at school when they go to computers!  

Now onto my big babies!  I can't believe how much they have grown.  And I almost missed it!  I figured since they still fit into newborn clothes that there was no use getting out the 0-3 month stuff yet.  I got a couple old navy one pieces out that are almost too small.  So I will take them back today to get a 3-6 month instead.  What the heck...that's a huge size range to be wearing...newborn-6month?!  Crazy!  Anyways, here is one of the 3 month outfits I pulled out!  And I think they look adorable!!  The top and vest fit them perfect, the pants are still a little big.  Jonathan wasn't too thrilled to be taking pictures, but Julian tried to give me a little smile, or at least it appears that way!!
While I was dressing them Kaitlyn drew a picture of the boys, so she wanted me to take a picture of her and her picture with them!
She drew the boys and 2 hearts "because they love eachother" she says!  :)
And last weekend during friends and family at Gap I scored these cute little outfits.  To be used when we bless the babies next month!  And the best part, they were only $14!  Sure beats all the $50+ outfits I found online!!  Sorry it's sideways, didn't feel it too important to rotate it! 
Hope you all have a good Thursday, and if I don't make it back...have a great weekend too!  I have a million things to do today.  Call my dr and schedule my 6 week appt, even though it's almost been 8, call the pediatrician and schedule the boys 2 month appts, call the dentist and get the girls in for cleanings and kaitlyn has a lot of work needing to be done, get the receipts together and fill out the flexible spending form to submit for some reimbursements, figure out a good soup/comfort food recipe for a contest at josh's work tomorrow, wash and fold some laundry, mop the floor, address birth announcements and finish writing thank you cards.  Holy cow I better get busy, but I guess I will start with something not on my list.  Make lunch.  Then maybe I can get a couple things crossed off before I feed the babies at 1:30 and then leave to get Jeni at 2, and try to stay away from home until around 5.  We are  supposed to have a scheduled power outage from 1-5 today.  I think I am going to run to babiesrus and get some bigger onesies because the newborn ones are getting pretty tight (the only thing they have outgrown so far).  They are buy one get one 1/2 off there.  Then I have a couple things to return to Target and OldNavy.  Ok, I better get busy!  :)  Ciao!


Tamara said...

Dang! You weren't kidding about having a lot to do. Those pictures are all so adorable. The boys will look so cuddly in their blessing outfits. See ya soon!

Danette said...

The boys look so cute.Love all the pic. They are geting so big and soo cute!

Clair said...

Josh looks like Russell Crowe in that pic you posted. You make having four kiddos look easy!! I mean, I'm sure it's not, but you do it with style :) Also, thx for posting that educational website, I'm always looking for stuff like that for my kiddos :) Have a fabulous day!!

Kirsti said...

Kaitlyn's pic was so adorable. I hope you saved it! I love the blessing outfits my first boy's blessing outfit was almost the same. I love the more simple outfits. Babies are so amazing on their own they don't need all the frills. :)