Today Jenica started the 2nd grade!! I cannot believe! I know that 2nd grade isn't all that old, but it is for me!! And next week Kaitlyn starts Kindergarten!! That will give me a few hours each day of just me and the boys! Hooray!!
So I just uploaded all these pics and they came up in reverse order and I don't feel like dragging them into the right order, so we will just go backwards!! :)
Jeni is in Spanish Immersion this year (until 6th grade...yikes). She is so excited about it and her teacher seems really nice! Here they are together this morning!And here is the traditional (thanks again, Angie, for the idea) first day of school picture! Followed by all of her previous first day pics, so you can see how much she has grown and changed since preschool! :) Look how grown up this girls
A few days ago we were driving in the car. The girls were goofing around and I had the radio playing in the background. Zoned out not even paying attention to what was on. I guess I assumed that they weren't listening as well.
When we got home, little Kaitlyn starts singing, "hush girl, shut your lips, do the Helen Keller, and talk with your hips". Uh oh! I was shocked! I was speechless! I couldn't believe that whatever music was quietly playing in the car was now coming out of her mouth!
So I explained to her that it wasn't a very good thing to be singing and I didn't want to hear her singing it again. She keeps asking why, and I keep telling her. And then she says "Well, if you don't want me to sing it then why do you listen to it?"
Lesson learned! She was totally right. So lately I have tried to be more cautious about what I listen to! I have a cd in the car of this years primary songs that the girls love listening to!
At home I have been listening to Pandora on the computer, I love it. But it's totally random what songs you are going to get. I thought it was great that you can block the explicit songs, but that doesn't mean it filters out topics. So tonight I started looking for some lds artists on there and what do you know...they have a bunch on there. I set up several "stations" based off different artists that I like and it finds other music similar to those! I love the spirit that this music brings into my home! Pandora is must check it out!! :) Just wish I could have it in the car with me!!
So I believe I am now caught up! My recent posts are way out of order, but they are all up now. Lots of pictures and videos for our recent happenings!!
I can't believe the summer is almost over. I can't believe Jenica will be in school mid next week, and then Kaitlyn the week after that!!
Jeni is so excited to be starting and meet her new teacher!! Yesterday we found out who their teachers are. Kaitlyns kindergarten teacher is the same one that Jeni had! I really liked her, so we are really excited! Bring on a new school year!
Now I need to get some real stuff done! Time to bring up all the girls old clothes and get them all listed on KSL! Wish me luck, and please don't forget to browse down and see all our fun!!
It's always nice to go our every once in a while with a good friend, with no kids! Last friday Tamara and I got to go have some fun!! I had a coupon for Kohls and I wanted to stop there real quick to see if there was any good deals. Well, my plan of a quick stop wasn't so quick. Go figure. Some of my favorite deals of the night were some pajamas for the girls that I got for $4-5 each, a pair of ascics tennis shoes for Jeni (reg $45) that I got for $7.50, and a two pack of superhero pj's for the boys that was only $4. I got some other stuff too!!
The coupon I had was for 15% off or 20% off if you spent $100. Since neither of us wanted to spend that much we put it on the same transaction and saved more! I had to take a pic of the receipt because it makes me so happy to see how much we saved! :)
The plan was to go get dessert, but we ended up at training table eating a huge plate of cheese fries instead!! Yummy Stuff!
Thanks so much for the last minute fun Tamara!! :)
Josh took this video a couple weeks ago when the boys both had the hiccups! It's cute, too short though...we quickly ran out of space on the memory card, so this is all he was able to get.
On the 23rd of July we went to Bountiful for our Annual family fun. This was our 3rd of 4th year going! We go to my parents and have a big dinner and then we walk over to the school to watch the Handcart Days fireworks! They are great. We love them. The kids love them!
Mr Julian enjoying some pre-firework glow stick and flag fun!!
And Jonathan too!
And then the fireworks began and they were fabulous!
The best part was the finale! They were so glittery and awesome!!
Here are the kids after the fireworks goofing around. Then they all climbed into my dads truck and rode back to my parents where we had banana splits and then a sleepover on the deck!!
We got up the next morning and headed to the bountiful rec center for free swimming. I have no pictures, my mom has them all, I need to get them from her!! Then Josh headed to work and I got everything packed up and headed for home! I had some very tired girlies for sure!!
On the 24th of July we went to a big family reunion/Luau. It was lots of fun! We had a big Hawaiian feast followed by a dancing show.
This is Josh's great grandma, so great great grandma to the boys. I asked her if she would hold both of the boys so I could get a picture of them together since I hadn't gotten one yet, and she said sure, as long as they don't cry. It was cute! They didn't hold up their end because they both started screaming! Oooops!
Here of the boys with the great grandparents!
Grandpa gave Julian a huge piece of bbq'd chicken. He loved it, until we took it away from him...then he got really mad!
Can't remember how old this boy was, I wanna say 12? He was pretty good...I don't think I would be comfortable twirling around a flaming baton!!
I always try to get a picture of Josh and I together, but he never cooperates...I have a ton of goofy pictures of us! Silly boy!
And then he gave in and finally smiled for real! Yay! I love it!
And here is my oh so tired baby when we got home! I love how his hand is behind his head!
And here is a video I took during the Luau of a lady teaching everyone how to hula. Josh, Jeni, and Kaitlyn are all in there!!
In August you can go to Thanksgiving point for only $2 each Tuesday. Hence the name: $2 Tuesday! The first tuesday we went to the discovery garden. We took our new neighbor Annie. It was oh so packed! We waited in line for at least 30 minutes just to get into the place!! But aside from the crowds, the girls had a lot of fun!!
They swam/ran around in the little pool for quite a bit, then we walked around the gardens, checking everything out!! We even did one of the little mazes! I didn't realize how big they really were! Here they are looking lost and scared...or maybe not! They were being silly!
I made my way through with the stroller...definitely not very double stroller friendly! But we made it!!
And one of the best parts was feeding the crazy fish! It was fun watching them jump up to get the food!
The boys love their baths each night! They have started trying to pull themselves up in the tub! Here is Jonathan, he made it up to his knees last night and got really excited rocking himself around and jabbering!
Then Julian decided to give it a try, but he couldn't quite pull himself off of his tummy.
And I just realized that I did a switcharoo here....Julian is now the one of the left.
They are starting to splash even more, so there always has to be an extra towel, draped over me or I am seriously soaked!!
As for the sick boy...he is feeling better, still has a nasty nasty cough, and now Jonathan seems to have it. Along with a nice fever. He was grabbing at his ear earlier, so I will see how the day goes and maybe I will take him into the dr to make sure he doesn't have an ear infection as well!! At least my $25 co-pays will have been separated by a couple of days! :/
Last Saturday mr Julian woke up with a nasty little cough! Was my boy really getting sick again? We had made it over 2 months with no sickness and here it was again!! That night was horrible! He slept with us, well, sorta...he didn't sleep much, so in turn, neither did I! So I stayed home while Josh took the girls to church and then he came home and took care of the boys so I could play the piano in relief society! So anyways, Monday I thought he was seeming better so I didn't take him to the dr.
Tuesday we went to Thanksgiving Point for $2 Tuesday with my mom and sister in laws!
Poor Julian was just miserable!
So I left the girls with my mom to enjoy Farm Country. She said she would bring them home when they were done.
Julian ended up needing a breathing treatment which helped his breathing, so they told me to continue them at home 3 times a day for 3 days...(2 days down now), and then he had an ear infection so he's on an antibiotic for that, and then some oral steroid for the breathing as well. Poor baby. Here he is not enjoying his albuteral yesterday! :( Makes me so sad!
My sweet boys are learning so many new things so quickly! They are definitely getting better at crawling! Jonthan still only goes backwards for the most part, and Julian is figuring out how to move forward! He always uses the roll technique which is a lot of fun to watch!!
Jonathan has figured out how to sit himself up, Julian still needs work! The first time he did it was in his crib, it was so cute to walk in and see him sitting up all proud looking around!! This picture was when I went to get them up from their nap, although I already knew they were awake, I was just hurrying to vacuum the floor before I let 'em loose!
The boys are now 10 months old! I can't believe in less than 2 months my little guys will be 1 already! How is this possible? I swear that I just had them! It makes me so sad that they are growing up sooo very fast!! So here are a few of my favorites pictures from their "I'm 10 months today" photoshoot! lol
They are getting around very well these days, the other day Julian rolled across the whole living room. They aren't crawling forward yet, but they do very well with reverse and flipping around to get where they want to. They have yet to pull themselves up on anything yet, although today Julian pulled himself to his knees in the bathtub) and they haven't gotten themselves to sitting yet. But I'm ok with that! We haven't had to lower their crib mattresses yet, but I know it will be soon! They are learning so very fast!
As for teeth, they FINALLY got their firsts within the last couple weeks! Jonathan got his first and then 3-4 days later Julian got his, and then a few days ago Julian got his second, but Jonathan has yet to get his. It's odd how it all works out!
So this was over a month ago, but on July 2 we had a great big family BBQ because Joshy had some family in town. We took the opportunity to get some big group pictures!!
Here are the great grandparents with all of their great grandchildren...(including 2 sets of twinners)...
And thanks to my brother in laws girlfriend for being the designated photographer with everyones cameras to get us all a group pic! Now this is what I call a BBQ!