Saturday, December 15, 2007

Quick Update...

Hey Everyone! I hope my last blog didn't freak anyone out. I'm doing very well! I have a dr appt on Tuesday to talk about my anxiety and see what I can do. It's weird how it comes and's on a "goes" for now, which is good! The girls are up at my parents tonight for the night, what a nice break! I just finished up a calendar page I was sooo excited about, so I am here to share real quick before I pass out from exhaustion! lol

So yesterday I went on a little bit ( more like too much) of a scrapping buying moment.  I bought several new kits and stuff.  So...I found some great new places to add to my favorites. 

First, (thanks to Tamara *wink*) And I got among what I got there was the Apple Dumpling kit which I used on this page.  Then last night I found and found the greatest thing that made me soooo happy!  I am working on the girls' first year albums in digital, and I couldn't find a decent calendar layout or template or anything that was what I wanted, other than current years, maybe dating back to 2006.  I need 2002 and 2004.  Then I came across the amazing monthly memories kit and I.LOVE.IT!  So I played with it last night and finished this tonight.  I might play around with this page a little more, but i think it is sooo cute!  I am trying to focus on getting Jenica's book done before Kaitlyn's (just because she's older) but I had this cute idea to use my last belly I did Kaitlyn's first month here instead.  I will do a calendar page for each month for each girls' first year!  And I can't begin to tell you how much fun it was to play around with!!

I have so much more to share, but I am beat!  I had to drive the girls to my parents in Bountiful and then I have to drive back tomorrow after church to pick them up.  Not looking forward to that 2 hour round trip drive, but hopefully Josh will come with me this time!  Earlier today my neighbor took some pics of the girls in their Christmas dresses!  There are some very cute pics...I will try to put them up tomorrow!!  Good Night!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

bad night

Last night was horrible. I have a problem telling short stories, but I will try to keep this one as short as possible. A couple nights ago I saw on the news that an older couple died in their home from carbon monoxide poisoning. It put thoughts into my head, like my anxiety does and I couldn't let it go. I started feeling sick and just off...and I was convinced I was going to die. So last night Josh was at work late, I had the kids in bed and I started panicking. It was about 9:30. So I called my mom and had several small attacks come on, and my mom helped me get my mind off of them. I talked to her for about an hour and then called Josh to see if he was coming home yet because I really needed him. He was on his way in a few minutes. So I called my mom back and talked to her for another hour while I waited for him to get him. It was just such a scary night for me, I don't know why I have this problem sometimes, but it just sucks. I took some nyquil and then I really started to feel funny. I kept feeling like I was going to pass out. It was really nice to talk to my mom for 2 hours about totally random stuff, and she got an idea of what I suffer with on a daily basis. I won't go into detail about all of my fears...but she said she's surprised that I can even leave my house. I was pretty anxious as a child, and it seemed to have gotten better, but has been getting worse ever since kaitlyn was born.

I slept great after Josh was home. He was great. He put the clothes in the dryer for me so Jenica would have something to wear to school today, this morning the alarm went off at 5:20, I didn't even hear it, and I slept until 7. I asked him to get Jenica up and he did. He got her up, dressed, fed, did her hair, and took her to school. I didn't wake up until 10, when Kaitlyn was playing with my phone and called Josh, he reminded me to pick Jeni up. I'm so bored, the bulb in the tv blew, so it's not like I can relax on the couch and watch tv even. I can relax on the couch and do nothing. Maybe I'll sleep. I am watching my little sister in law today until about 2/2:30 while my mil is at work. After I picked the girls up from school we went and grabbed a pizza and then went and got a movie from the redbox. They are downstairs watching a movie and eating pizza so I can relax. So far so good. Today is our activity days christmas party, combined with the 2 groups, but I don't think I am going to make it. I think I am getting the flu...right now the worst of it is the body aches, and my head feeling all funny.

Ok, I have rampbled enough...:) I'm going to lay on the couch...and hopefully fall asleep!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Party Time!!

Oh tonight was so much fun! I already cannot wait until the Christmas party next year...a year to go...!! hehe 

The evening started a little rocky...hors d'oeuvres started at 5:45, we didn't leave the house until 5:30...and we had a good drive ahead of us, especially considering it was snowing like crazy.  I was sad we were going to miss them because we missed them last year also...6:15 was a welcome and 6:30 was dinner.  We arrived at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building at 6:15...but go figure, the lot was full, so we drove another 3 blocks or so and parked at a hotel where they accepted validation from the JSMB.  Luckily the snow had stopped, but it was freezing and we were so late.  We walked as fast as we could through the sea of people downtown to see the christmas lights and we hopped on the elevator up to the 9th floor and walked in right at 6:30.  We ended up sitting at the same table as Dan, Josh's boss.  It was good.  The food was great.  Some delicious salads, prime rib, turkey, twice baked potatoes, rolls, and dessert.  After dinner was done they did some gifts to and speeches from people with anniversaries with the company.  One lady was there 10 years, 4 guys from 15 years, and Josh's boss for 20 years.  They did a few drawings for prizes, but we didn't win anything and then we headed for costco.

We were planning on just getting a Nintendo DS.  Our plan was destroyed, they were out.  We got $200 to spend this year, and I think we did pretty well, we came within 9 cents of our limit!!  That was pretty good!  Here's what we got:
-kitchenaid icecream attachment with 4 cute little ice cream bowls
-tillamook extra sharp white cheddar 2# brick
-a new clock to hang in the kitchen that was bigger than the one that we currently had up there, it's a satellite one so it always stays set
-josh got a big fancy airplane book
-2 games for the DS that we will have to buy somewhere else.
-a dvd of 13 of the Pixar Short Films.  I am way excited to watch it!!
-Rachael Ray "just in time!" cookbook
-another cookbook "deceptively delicious" (simple secrets to get your kids eating good food)

I say we did pretty well considering we didn't have a plan this year, just like last year.  And I probably wasted the first 10 minutes running around looking for a stupid hidden bow to win a present, which I never found.  30 minutes really isn't very long.  We were down to $18.18 left to spend and you can't go over...then I found the Pixar Shorts for $18.09 and right when I grabbed it the horn blew and it was over.  I was so excited!  The cashier was pretty impressed.  After we checked out we hung out and talked to Josh's boss for a little bit and then headed home.  I'm excited to look through my new cookbooks, I have a menu to make for the next couple weeks so I hope I find some good stuff!!  Good Night!

Friday, December 7, 2007

pretty bad thursday!

I don't think any more bad things could have happened to me in one I wrong?  All I can do now is look back and laugh.  Tell me if you agree...

The morning actually started out up at 5:20 and went to the gym...I missed tuesday and wednesday due to Josh getting home really really late (i'm talking like 4 am) from work or helping his brother (depends on the night).  I knew he wasn't going to wake up at 7 to get Jenica up, so I skipped the gym and stayed home so I could get her ready myself.  It was fine.  But when I don't go (which luckily has only been 3 days out of the past 6 weeks) I feel like something is missing from my day.  It's such a great way to start the day!  There's another girl that goes in, her name is Wendy and we'll usually do cardio on our own and then Jared will train us both together.  So yesterday Jared was helping someone else and we had finished the exercises he told us to do, so we sat and playing catch with a 10  lb medicine ball.  It was fun...we goof off and act like dorks.  I've only known her as long as I have been going this time around.  It's pretty lonely on the days she doesn't come in.  Anyways, I made it home and Jenica was actually awake...I got her out the door to school and thought about running up to target to have some vitamins refilled.  I decided to wait until I picked Jeni up and take her along.

At 10 I went to the school to work in the at home reading program book exchange thing.  I was there until 10:45 when school gets out.  I went to get Jenica and my friend asked me to watch her daughter so she could finish her christmas shopping.  This is the friend I babysit for all the time anyways.  I was fine with that, I would just run to Target later.  So after I watched her she took Jenica home with her while I ran out.  

-While I was babysitting, I went into the basement, my toes got stuck in a blanket and I tripped and landed on them all funny and it felt like I broke all my little toes on my left foot.

-I went to Target AND Walmart, and got nothing.  Not one thing.  I had a couple things in mind, like maybe some rollerskates of some sort for kaitlyn since I have some for Jenica for christmas.  Nothing at I tried walmart...nothing at all there either.  So I wanted to see if they had any of the new baby alive accessory sets.  They had stacks of them on the top of the shelf, but I couldn't reach clear up there.  So I find a guy and ask him to help me.  He told me he was already busy helping someone else and to find someone else to help me.  I seriously walked around for 20 minutes and couldn't find anyone.  So we left.

-We stopped at Smith's on the way home to get stuff to make spinach dip to take to a christmas party last night.   Everything was good until we went to check out and kaitlyn disappeared.  I was looking/yelling for her, couldn't find her.  It wasn't like her to walk off.  She's never done that before.  Jeni on the other hand...well that's another story.  So I go up to the front and they don't have a plan for missing kids like target or walmart or anywhere else have.  So the lady announces there is a missing child over the speaker and all these people start helping us look for her.  I was freaking out.  I didn't leave the front because I wanted to keep my eye on the door so no one could walk out with her.  She was finally found back in the christmas section looking at stuff.  What a relief.  That scared me so bad.  

-After I picked Jenica up and made the spinach dip I was chillin on the couch in the front room.  I think I was on the phone with my mom.  Jenica ran and jumped on me and her knee hit into my forearm.  It hurt sooo bad.  I said "Ooouch...I think you just broke my arm."  Jeni picked it up, looked at it for a minute before putting it down and said "it looks ok to me, you'll be alright".  :)  It was cute.

-The party we were going to started at 7, I bribed my brother in law to watch the girls, but one of the requirements was that they were in bed.  So I started bedtime at 6:30.  It was nuts.  Josh got home at about 7:20 and we walked over to get James to come chill at our house.  (the girls went right to bed as soon as he got here).  We were walking back across the was raining...I went to jump over the curb and run across the street...which resulted in me face planting it into the road,  where I laid crying in pain.  Josh stood there and said "what are you doing?"  lol  Oh, I thought i would just take a little rest in the wet road on the walk back across the street.  

-I went and changed my pants because my khaki's were all dirty and wet now.  I noticed that an ugly visitor had reared it's head giving me the confirmation that I am not pregnant.  I think that was the hardest part of the day.  I could handle everything else, but that was hard.  This was our first month trying since I had my miscarriage back in august, so I was really hoping!  Really really really.  It's never been a problem before, so hopefully it doesn't take too long.  Anyways, the Jeans I put on (the only nice un-hole-y ones I have) are pretty loose on me.  This leads to the next bad thing...and thankfully the last:

-the party was a lot of fun.  i am so glad we went.  When we got home Josh informed me that during one of the games I was kneeling on the floor and my "coinslot" was hanging out.  That's his word for butt crack...he got it from an episode of SNL a while back.  I told him I wanted to cry, that was so embarrassing...he said that only the people behind me saw. him, his parents, and another lady in the ward.  Aghh.  

I had a little bit of a breakdown last night and called my mom bawling.  But I feel much much better now and life is good again.  It was fun to share all my mis-haps with my gym friends this morning.  We had a good laugh.

Alright, Josh just informed me that I am writing a novel.  I don't even have any fun pictures to share, at least not at the moment.  I forgot the camera in the car.  Tomorrow is the BIG christmas party for Josh's work.  It'll be a blast.  Fancy dinner at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and then Costco shopping spree.  Woohoo!  I'll be sure to get some pictures.  I plan on looking pretty  Sorry so long, thanks for reading.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Sweet Little Kaitlyn

Isn't she the CUTEST little skunk you have EVER seen?? Yah, that's what I thought!! :)

I just had to come write about the cute things this cute little girl said to me while I was putting her to bed tonight!

Me:  Good Night, I love you.
Kiki: I love you, too mommy.
Me: I love you more.
Kiki: I love you the morest.
          I love you the Most! 
          Mommy, I love you a lot.
Me:  I love you a lot too, kaitlyn.  Go to sleep.
Kiki: Mommy, do you love daddy?
Me:  Yes, I do.
Kiki: I love daddy too.
         Jenica pinches the car, and she hits me too.  

I just had to laugh, the change in the conversation so quickly.  She closed her eyes and ran her fingers through  my hair.  I grabbed her hand to try to stop her, but she put my hand in her other hand and continued to run my head, run her fingers through my hair.  She is such a sweet little girl.  And I forgot to mention the dozen of hugs and kisses I got from her while I was laying in bed with her.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

curse of the smelly dryer - SOLVED!

I want to puke just thinking about the aweful smell I have put up with over the last several days.  I believe it was last friday or saturday that I started to smell something nasty in the basement.  On Saturday night Josh went down to check it out.  He came up with a load of laundry that wreaked and said he thought I had washed something that didn't come clean and that was the smell.  I didn't buy it, but whatever, it was obviously coming from the dryer.  So I assumed if that load of laundry was what was bad, I could wash a new batch and dry it with no problems, the smell should be gone.  Unfortunately this was not the case. I did 2 or 3 loads of laundry and each one came out of the washer smelling fabulous and clean and then out of the dryer smelling rotten. So tonight Josh just went down there to pull the dryer apart and what do you know...he found a dead mouse in it. Isn't that just the sickest thing ever? We have NO idea how it got lost in our dryer, but it was there. And it was dead. And it was rotting. And I think I am going to puke...

At least it's gone now and I can catch up on some much needed laundry. Guess it's time to go refill the poison in the attic!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Packages and other Ramblings...

This morning when I was getting ready to go pick up Jeni from school I went out to the car to get my water bottle.  My mother in law had just walked out her door (they live right across the street from us) and she told me I had a package to pick up at the post office.  I was totally confused, first, why was the note on her door?  And second...which package could it be?  Old Navy?  Fisher Price?  or ToysRus?  Considering those all come UPS or FedEx, I wasn't expecting anything via USPS.  I was getting Jeni and Kayla (the girl I tend) from school and we were going to go see Enchanted right from school.  When I went back out to get in the car the mail lady was next door so I waited for her to get to my mailbox, and I asked her if she had my package or if I had to go into Lehi to pick it up.  She was confused by the 2 Perry's living across from eachother and apologized several times.  I was just excited that I got the package.

It was from our Japanese Student we hosted for 2 weeks this summer, Ai.  She was such a sweet sweet girl!  This was the second summer doing it.  It is such a fun experien
ce and the kids LOVE it!!  Anyways, back to the package.  She sent us a hello kitty photo album full of pictures of us and her while sh
e was here, a japanese 1 page calendar for 2008 with our family picture (with her) printed in the center, and 2 pretty red bags with the girls names on them and they were full of Japanese candy.  I tried to monitor it, and I did good until I fell asleep on the couch and they pretty much ate it all.  It was such a good surprise.  I want to make a small scrapbook with all our pictures together (and one for Aki too) and send it to her.  This picture was taken on the 24th of July, We (me and the girls) went to the Parade downtown with my friend Danette and her son and Ai (she is the tall one) brought her friend Miyako. Oh, and there was a letter also, I was going to write it all in here, but I will just share my favorite part.  She talked a lot about how studying English is getting harder, they are reading books and listening to western music, and that the next time she comes to the US she will be able to speak fluently with us.  And then at the end, I LOVE PERRY FAMILY.  Made me smile, I am so glad we were able to make such wonderful memories with her!

Before I move on...ENCHANTED was FABULOUS!  Go see it!!  :)  

I think I have a problem...I am not so happy with the first scrapbook pages I have made...I think I should just hurry and get them printed so I can't go back and change them.  Today's wasn't just a little was a whole new page!!  I bought a new page kit from Kay Miller Designs (which is darling) and I needed some pictures to scrap with it, and I am trying to only work on Jeni's first year until it's done...I only have 2 snow pictures, which go together, and I had already done a page for them...but it was not my favorite page, period.  So I started over.  Here's the first page I made!
It's ok, but this one is so much better!!
Time to think about going to bed...5:30 is still too early, but I am on week 5...wish I had more to show for it...but oh well.  I feel good, so that's all that matters, right?   I wish...I had 12 days until Josh's work christmas party...yay!  Oh, and I don't usually have 3 packages I am expecting at the same time...just the last of the christmas stuff!  :)  Ciao!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

30 days and counting...

Now that it seems Christmas is in full swing...Thanksgiving left more than a week left of November after, so part of me feels like I'm getting the Christmas stuff out too early, but I think the sooner I put it up the better...meaning it will be up a little longer than usual.  I love Christmas.  
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We went to my parents that morning and hung out and then ate around noon.  My brothers all left around 3 to head to their inlaws, so did we.  Josh's family was going to wait to eat until 4, but they had more extended family come and they did it at 1 instead, so we missed dinner, we got there in time to see all of his cousins, and then we all went down to his parents house and hung out for the evening.  It was a fun day.  
I swore I wouldn't go shopping on Black Friday, it used to be fun, but I am not really a fan of the huge crowds anymore.  I woke up at 7 when I realized it was garbage day and ran frantically outside to get the cans out.  I couldn't go back to sleep, so I called my friend Danette (she was at walmart at 4am) to see if she was back already, she was and we decided to go out together.  We went to Target, that was pretty much a walk in and walk right out.  The line was 2hours long, no deals worth waiting that long for, especially since it was a 2 day sale...and they were giving rain checks.  I ended up going back that night and got rainchecks for a bunch of cheap games and $4 movies.  Then we went to Old Navy where I got pajamas for the family and a fleece for both the girls, they were half price, so $5 and $7.  Then we went to Roberts because I thought they had a 40% off your whole purchase, but I misread the ad and it wasn't until Saturday.  We went to McDonalds and ate breakfast and then back to her place where we ordered a couple things from Childrens Place.  
I decided I wanted to get the whole house cleaned up before I pulled out the christmas decorations.  So I spent the afternoon cleaning and then we went to a wedding reception for a girl josh works with.  Saturday I brought a ton of bins up and started deciding what I was going to put up this year, it's getting to the point that I have so much stuff I can't put it all out or it just looks like a cluttered mess.  Ever since I have painted the kitchen/family room I have just been using "seasonal" garlands on the top of the cabinets.  I pulled down the fall leaf/pumpkin one and put up some pine garlands...I even figured out a way run a hidden cord up and put christmas lights up there too...topped off with a lit 3 foot christmas tree on top of the pantry.  Ok, apparently I just need to take some pictures and post those instead.  We even put christmas lights up this year, that's a huge first and they look awesome!!  :)
Anyways, I was really just getting on here post my latest layout that I am pretty happy with!  So here you go, then I need to go to bed, I have an early morning, back to the gym!!  

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas is coming...

Makes me want to break into song.  Christmas is coming, the goose is getting, I'm a dork.  I have been singing that song in my head for a little while now, time to move onto something different.  Here's the only page I got done today, in-fact, it's the only page I have gotten done in the past several days.  But I thought it was appropriate because Christmas is sneaking up on us.  

On that note, I have mostly gotten the Christmas shopping done.  The only thing left to buy is PJ's for Josh and the girls for Christmas Eve...other than that I'm done for my immediate little family.  We still have to draw names for our extended family, but if that's all I have left to do, then that's not so bad.  Josh and I will go shopping together when we get to spend lots of money at his works holiday party/costco shopping spree.  It's in 2 1/2 weeks, I can't wait!!  I have been working really really hard on exercising/trying to eat right to see what kind of a difference I can make for this fancy party.  That's not the only reason why, but it's a good reason to work a little harder for the next couple of weeks.  Too bad thanksgiving (read: pigging out) has to happen in between it all.  Oh well, what do ya do!? 

I still haven't missed a day at the made day #17!  I will go in tomorrow, not quite as early because I don't have to be back to take Jeni to school, and then I will take Thursday off and have to do something from home of Friday because the gym decided to be closed after all because they are getting new flooring in.  Sooo...I will probably pop in a hard core turbo jam video and call it good.  

Today was weigh in day though...even though the number on the scale was only down .2 it made my day!!  I gained almost a whole lb of muscle in the last week, and all the changes put me into a new category.  I was in the "moderately overweight" category and now I am in the "slightly overweight" category.  I don't know why, it just made me very happy, probably because I know the next step down is healthy weight!  woohoo!  I have quite a way to go though!  I finally measured myself yesterday, I hadn't measured myself since i was working out over the summer...kinda depressing...I was right back where I started.  Oh well...

Ok, now I am just rambling, i am exhausted, I have tons to do tomorrow (including getting up fairly early) so I better get to bed!  Happy Thanksgiving if I don't post again before then!  :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Here it is, the page that I lost last night.  I remade it this morning.  Nothing too exciting, but I am happy with the way it looks.  Today is crazy busy, I am heading to lunch w/ my friends in a few minutes, I still have to do my hair, and then as soon as I get home the girl I babysit will go home and then it's back out to the store (I'd rather take 2 trips out then take 3 kids shopping) I have to pick up a few things for an activity days activity later this afternoon.  I have a feeling once I get done with that I will be ready for a nap, even though it will be 5pm.  I am sooo tired already, I would just lie down and sleep if I could, but I can't.  And my arms are still sore from the gym yesterday and  my legs are sore from today.  Just can't win.  Do you know how awesome Jumping Rope is?  You burn almost 300 calories for 10 minutes.  That's awesome!  So that's what I did today.  And then I did some abs, and legs.  I'm worn out!  But it's is day #13 in a row!  I haven't missed once.  I am so proud of myself.  Ok, afro hair is begging to be straightened.  More later!  Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Stupid Photoshop...

I was going to finish ONE more scrapbooking page and then post them all for you to see. I was on the last one, which was by far my favorite of the handful I got done today. I changed the font of the last thing and it CRASHED! And even worse, it was never saved. So now it is 10:30...bedtime...5:30 creeps up too fast! So tomorrow after I get back from the gym I am sure I will sit down and try to recreate it. 

I will just share this layout for now.  It's from Jenica's book I am working on for her first year.  I think it turned out pretty cute.  We still have the bear, it's fun to see how tiny she used to be compared to that thing, it's really not that big now that she's so big.  I'm off to bed now, more tomorrow!

Credits: Paper - weeds and wildflowers, font - ck aire

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday, Sunday...

And so begins another week. I am not so excited for tomorrow morning and the fact that the alarm goes off at 5:30am. But I am thrilled to go to the gym...I have such an awesome streak going that I don't want to quit going now! My arms still hurt from killer weights on Friday, I can't wait to whine to Jared (my trainer) about that. I am really good at complaining! :) I ate like crap all weekend, it's back to counting tomorrow...
On Friday I felt like an endless pit...I'd eat and I was still not a good thing to go through when you are trying to LOSE weight. Yesterday while Jenica was at her friends birthday (which by the way she had a blast...they watched Ratatouille and made their own little pizzas for dinner), we went to my brother and sister in laws house. My oldest brother just had a major surgery to cut a lot of junk out of his mouth and fuse cartilage into his nose to widen it to make it easier to breath. He suffers from really bad sleep apnea. So he is home for the next 2 weeks (he's already been home for 1) while he recovers. So we had a good visit with him and his wife and their dog Ruby. She is so cute! She's a schnauzer. I am trying to figure out how to talk Josh into letting us get one. They will be breeding her next spring, she's pure bred and the stud dog is also...I'm sure they would give us a really good deal. The girls love playing with her, she's really patient with being man-handled by the kids. And she is very favorite trick is when my brother "shoots" her with his hand pointed like a gun and she falls over and plays dead.
Ok, enough talk about my brothers dog.
Today was the primary program @ church. It was so good. I was bummed because Jenica's part got sent home and it said "Jenica: Hold a picture". What the heck...she doesn't get to say anything? Well, to my surprise they made a few changes and Jenica ended up with a speaking part and she did great! My parents came down for it, we left after sacrament and they came over and I made a big lunch. It was nice to get to visit with them.
Pretty much since the time they left I have been scanning pictures, something I have been DREADING doing because I have already done it my parents and they didn't turn out good because the glass was dusty. I got it done again and so far they look pretty good.
I got a page done, but now I am having problems uploading it. It keeps freezing. I will eventually figure it out.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Whole lot of nothing going on...

I used to blog regularly on xanga, but I haven't in weeks.  I don't know what my deal I thought I'd try something new.  Maybe I will post my posts in both places because I will miss all of my xanga friends, it's great over there.

Today has been pretty uneventful.  Jenica went to the church for a couple hours for the primary program practice/primary activity.  Tamara came and hung out with me for awhile while she was gone.  I picked up Jenica from the church and went to smiths and got some stuff to make for lunch.  I don't know what I was thinking...I have to go back to the store to get stuff for dinner tomorrow, my parents are coming down for the Primary Program and staying for dinner.  It'll be nice, they don't make it over too often. 

Jenica has a birthday party from 6-9 tonight to go to, so I am trying to figure out what we should do while she's gone.  I'd like to go to dinner or something, I tried to talk Josh into going to ToysRus with me to pick out what to get the girls for Christmas this year.  I think it would be more fun it he helped me, instead of me making all of the decisions.  He didn't like that idea.  I have $200 burning a hole in my pocket from Mattel from recalled Polly Pockets I sent back.  I am thinking it through too shouldn't be this difficult.

I have become a digi scrapbook collector,  I have bought dozens of cute kits and fonts and other stuff.  I think I should get crackin on getting caught up with the actual scrapping part.  lol  I want to have the girls 8x8 books of their first year done for christmas, that is a lot of work on my part.  Kaitlyn's won't be too bad because all of her pictures are digital.  Jenica's on the other hand are 90% printed pictures.  I am dreading scanning them all, especially since I haven't quite figure out how to get the best scan from our scanner.

Now I am just rambling...and I have to get Jenica off to her party in a minute.  I will try and get some pics scanned so I can complete the pages I made today and share them!